5 Deadly Weapons Prohibited in War

Bangalore: Wars are known to have dreadful effects to the society, causing death and injury to very large numbers of people. According to the international laws of war nuclear weapons, chemical bombs, biological bombs are prohibited from use in warfare because of the unspeakable suffering caused by their use also the fact that it is impossible to control their effects in space and time which can cause prolonged pain such as cancer or other diseases.

Apart from these there are weapons that are prohibited in international humanitarian law, but the military of various countries across the globe still use such weapons.  Read on to know more about 5 such prohibited weapons.

#1 Cluster Bombs

Cluster bomb also known as cluster munition is a bomb that ejects many small bomblets over a wide area. Some of the bomblets that are released remain unexploded and can kill or wound civilians long after a war has ended moreover, these cluster bombs are costly to locate and remove.

According to Wikipedia the "Convention on Cluster Munitions" which came into effect on August 1, 2010, bans the stockpiling, use and transfer of virtually all existing cluster bombs and provides for the clearing up of unexploded munitions. This treaty has has been signed by 108 countries, however the world's major military powers including the United States, Russia and China are not signatories to the treaty.