10 Most Ridiculously Dressed Dictators

Bangalore: An old saying goes like this: “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”- suits the dictators perfectly. They imposed their eccentricities upon their country and people; they lived in luxury ignoring the poverty around and killed millions who raised voice against them.

But on another look, we find an interesting similarity among the dictators except how they rule: Most of them were the perfect examples of worst appearance, some with their weird craze of color and some with their ridiculous dressing, reflecting their own fashion statements.

Let’s take a look at the worst dressed dictators of the world

Muammar Gaddafi

Dictator of Libya

This famous dictator of Libya, who allowed only a small group - mostly members of his family - to participate in the governing of the country and amassed enormous wealth from the nation’s oil reserves, might be the one who has the weirdest fashion sense of everybody. Gaddafi usually appeared in his traditional dress with a pair of slippers and sometimes a sunglass.