10 Most Controversial Flags

Bangalore: Flags are generally a symbol under which people unite but in many cases a flag can cause division and turn out to be controversial. Emotions run high when it comes to patriotism so it is not shocking that attempts to change a flag or to fly a flag which identifies a minority of the members of a nation, can cause hostility. Here are the 10 controversial flags listed by listverse.com.

The Flag of the USA:

The U.S. flag is also called the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and The Star-Spangled Banner. It features fifty stars and thirteen stripes, representing the fifty states, and the original thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British crown and became the first states in the Union.

The American flag to some is a symbol of freedom, liberation and opportunity found in the U.S., while for few others it represents America’s military presence around the world or its economic dominance. While it isn’t unusual to see news footage of the American flag being burned in protests in the Middle East, it is also occasionally burnt in protest within the country. Due to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the violation of a flag, due to its status as “symbolic speech.”