Renewable Energy to Power EBay's Data Center


Bangalore: Recently eBay revealed plans in building a data center that is totally powered by renewable energy fuel cells. These energy fuel cells are provided by a startup firm called Bloom Energy. This movement helps eBay to create a more environment friendly ecosystem instead of the usual coal based electric grid.

EBay also revealed that they will be using around 30 Bloom Energy servers to power their data centers. These data centers will be totally biogas driven where the biogas will be produced from the renewable organic wastes along with an electric grid that will be used as a backup power source.

KR Sridhar, chief executive of Bloom Energy said that "eBay is raising the standard for the entire industry. It is 21st century infrastructure for the industry needs of the 21st century." Similar to eBay, tech giants Apple also has revealed plans of buying equipments from SunPower Corp and Bloom Energy to power its main data center in US. Apple is thinking of installing two solar panel arrays so that reduce the consumption of electric power.

John Donahoe, the eBay President and CEO said that “Technology-led innovation is changing retail and revolutionizing how people shop and pay. We also want to revolutionize how shopping is powered. Running our data centers primarily on reliable, renewable energy, we intend to shape a future for commerce that is more environmentally sustainable at its core.”

Analysts recently have come up with astonishing numbers about the shrink in electric energy because of ever expanding power consumption by companies, especially by data centers. Researchers say that in years to come there may be a huge internet explosion or lofty traffic because of the continuous multimedia use and enterprise service hosting.