Most Employed Password by Businesses: 'Password1'


Bangalore: Businesses need to rework on its password policies, as per a recent report released by Trustwave ‘Global Security Report for 2012’ the no. 1 computer password employed by business users is "Password1"

For those wondering why “Password1” it is because of the simple fact "it satisfies the default Microsoft Active Directory complexity setting” reveals the report of the IT security research firm. Another reason for over usage of this password among business users is that it meets the minimum criteria of having required number of characters to qualify for under basic password security settings.

Trustware highlighted that the password problem is just one of the security issues businesses are going through in the realm of widespread of cyber attacks and anti-social activities. Other problematic areas are related to hacking incidents here are some of the key findings of the report researched by Trustware reports Damon Poeter in

1) Customer records remained a valuable target for attackers, making up 89 percent of breached data investigated.
2)  For the second year, the food and beverage industry made up the highest percentage of investigations at nearly 44 percent.
3)Industries with franchise models are the new cyber targets: more than a third of 2011 investigations occurred in a franchise business.
4) In 76 percent of incident response investigations, a third party responsible for system support, development and/or maintenance of business environments introduced the security deficiencies.
5)Law enforcement detected more breaches in 2011—up from 7 percent in 2010 to 33 percent in 2011.
6)Data harvesting techniques continued to target data "intransit" within victim environments showing up in 62.5 percent of 2011 investigations.
7)Anti-virus detected less than 12 percent of the targeted malware samples collected during 2011 investigations.
8)For Web-based attacks, SQL injection remains the number one attack method for the fourth year in a row.

The report reveals that the problem lies with IT policies that require passwords to be complex and changed frequently and also environments that necessitate several different passwords is making it more difficult to commit those passwords to memory.

And even if a company has a good password policy that's adhered to by its employees, that isn't the end of it. Trustwave warned in the report that keystroke logging software is relatively easy for hackers to deploy and social engineering techniques for getting employees to reveal how to access IT assets remains a big problem as reported in