Google Uses Windows Despite Chinese Hacks

Bangalore: Offlate there have been widespreading rumours that Google, biggest search giant would be dumping Microsoft Windows in the wake of the late-2009 attack on Google’s internal systems where Chinese hackers invaded Google to pilfer their proprietary software code reports Cade Metz of

Accoding to the New York Times the Chinese Hackers created a black hole in Google’s infrastructure via an employee machine running Microsoft’s instant messenger client. Another article that appeared in The Financial Times said that Google is mulling over on “phasing out” the use of Microsoft’s Windows operating system in order to improve their security structure, which would inturn “effectively end” use of the OS inside the company.

“But two years on, Google CIO Ben Fried tells Wired that Google never banned the use of Windows and that the company continues to offer the Microsoft OSes on employee machines. Employees, he says, can choose from among a Mac, a Windows PC, a Google Chromebook, and a machine running Goobuntu, the company’s modified version of the Ubuntu Linux distribution” reports Wired.

However Fried did indicate that the Chinese attack did have some dreadful effects the  way its employees choose their machines. He said that “We wanted people to think more about why they were choosing a particular operating system”. But he also added that the rumour of Google putting a ban on Windows was just baseless tale.