Flame Virus: Five Facts to know

Bangalore: For the past couple of weeks, Flame virus has been gaining reputation as one of the most feared virus. Along with that reports are out that Flame virus shares certain codes with the Stuxnet virus, a disastrous malware that was formerly deployed on Iran nuclear projects. Unconfirmed reports say that either the United States or Israel was behind the Stuxnet virus. From the day the Flame was launched, antivirus giants Kaspersky started researches in uncovering the codes of this deadly virus. And later it was Kaspersky that made the surprising revelation that Flame shared some codes with Stuxnet.

According to researches done in Kaspersky labs, here are 5 facts about the deadly virus called Flame.

1. Complexity:

One of the most complicated malware in the world- that’s what Kaspersky experts call Flame. Experts are still confused on the purpose of most of the codes. The complexity of the virus doesn’t end up with its codes, but also in size. Flame virus sizes around a massive 20MB, which is 20 times larger than Stuxnet- who sized around half MB.