BYOD On The Rise, But Uncertainty Remains


Bangalore: The proliferation of consumer mobile devices rapidly into the enterprises is changing the traditional IT environment. 71 percent of the enterprises are accepting the new trend of BYOD in at some level, which proves that Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is on the rise this year yet many organisations are still uncertain of how to facilitate the practice, according to a new infographic.

The inforgraphic is a survey of 600 enterprise IT professionals which is published by Matrix42 on, The Matrix42 survey also revealed that Apple's iOS has took the lead at 29.59 percent in most popular OS used in devices but there's really no consensus when it comes to the type of operating system used with respect to BYOD.

BYOD is basically a trend wherein employees use their own mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablet computers, at work.

“There is greater consensus, however, when it comes to mobile device management solutions, with 78pc of organisations saying mobile device management solutions will become an extremely or very important part of IT offerings within the next two years. This could be down to security being a top concern of IT managers when it comes to BYOD” reports siliconrepublic.

Eighty-six percent of enterprises surveyed said that they plan to deploy media tablets this year. "Healthy growth in smartphone and media tablet shipments over the next five years will enable a much higher level of IT consumerization than is currently possible," said Chae-Gi Lee, research director at Gartner. "Enterprises should recognize this and look to 'mobile enable' their IT infrastructure for employees to meet the growing demand for mobile device use in the enterprise IT environment."

However, Matrix42's study reveals that it's the IT department driving the BYOD charge internally, and mobile device management is not widely implemented today - only 15pc of organisations say they use mobile device management solutions at the moment.