6 Dangerous Malware Security trends

Bangalore: Data breaches and anti-social activities are on rise which is one of the significant concerns of IT leaders and security researchers who are constantly at work to curb these issues. Hackers, crackers and online criminals continually find new security gaps to exploit, and new ways to get at your personal data. This year at the RSA security conference several companies explored new ways to deal with these issues in coming months reports Nick Mediati in pcworld.com.

Take a glimpse of some of the dangerous new malware trends to watch for in 2012.

Invisible and Irremovable

Unlike the traditional malware and viruses this new category malware infects your pc and you may not even realize it. While older malware could be identified on the PC, newer forms of may not even have an interface, and they may not seriously impact your PC's performance. Although they may not lead to awful consequences, but they run in the background, seemingly invisible to you.

This invisible and hard-to-spot malware can also be extremely hard to remove. For example, a relatively new rootkit called ZeroAccess effectively kills any program that tries to access it and makes extremely difficult to disable it as it buries itself deep into your system hence the name ZeroAccess.