6 Common ERP Implementation Mistakes to Avoid

Bangalore: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are simply huge number of systems that collects information’s that includes the details on resources, plans, data’s and all the process that occurs within the organization. Organizations cannot afford any mistake on ERP as it requires hundreds and thousands of money, a good implementation of man power and a good schedule to get better results.

To ensure a good ERP implementation first the firm must know about the mishaps that may occur during its planning and developing. So keeping that in mind, below are 6 things that we can avoid during ERP implementation.

1. Poor Planning:

The first and the most important step in a good ERP implementation is planning. And this is where most of the organizations go wrong. If you don’t give importance to planning then you are sure to have your time and money wasted later. Proper planning involves internal auditing, appointing good stakeholders and also even hiring certain third party group who has experience in implementing ERP solutions.

Kevin Beasley, CIO of VAI says "Many organizations do not do enough up-front planning before they begin an ERP software evaluation. This often leads to confusion down the road because they might not fully understand their current processes and how to evolve them to maximize business benefits and efficiencies."