5 Ways IT Leaders Can Get More Staff Feedback

Bangalore: Throwing criticism on employees is what most of the IT leaders are used to. But is it the real case? According to some studies most of the IT leaders are ready to receive feedbacks from their employees. So are they really comfortable with the criticism from their subordinates? On the other hand workers usually pull out in giving away ripped out criticism, because it may result in poor annual review or even an empty wallet. Andrea Corney, a leadership coach at the Stanford Graduate School of Business' Center for Leadership Development and Research says “IT people love data, and feedback is important data”.

According Cindy of Information Week, below are some good suggestions that IT leaders can follow on getting justified suggestions from their subordinates:

1.  Accept feedback graciously:

The truth sometimes hurts--but that's no excuse to behave defensively. Whatever be the employee’s performance, whether he’s been dismal in the analytical department or if he is against your BYOD policy, it’s important that you be patient in hearing his criticism. Never try to explain, defend or deny. Listen and be receptive in his feedback. "Most IT managers, like any human being, can be defensive when receiving feedback," warns Corney. "But if they're defensive, employees can take these signals to mean they don't really want feedback at all."