5 Trends That Could Influence CIOs

Bangalore: With the ongoing economic uncertainty and IT budgets being slashed CIOs are confronted with the herculean task of empowering IT with innovation. As the IT world is emerging with key trends like Cloud computing, Social Networking, Big Data the role of the CIO is continuously evolving.

Looking at the pace of these IT innovations, there have been recent predictions as to what the emerging trends are, below is a list of such key trends that could influence the CIOs.

Big Data Big Power

2011 was the year in which 'Big Data' stole headlines, but this trend likely continue unabated in coming years. According to the State of the CIO Survey 2011, 19 percent of Indian CIOs feel that big data is going to be a buzzword in 2012. Ovum a research firm has predicted that 44 percent of organizations will budget for big data projects in the next two to five years which is revealed in a report  Big Data Interest Bubbling Under the Surface

 “Data is exploding. Most enterprises we spoke to predicted that in 2012 alone the amount of data in their warehouses will grow by at least 10 to 20 percent,” said Tony Baer, author of a report released by Ovum.