5 Things Enterprises Need To Know About BYOD

Bangalore: The proliferation of consumer mobile devices rapidly into the enterprises is changing the traditional IT environment. According to analysts, almost 71 percent of the companies are accepting the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. As this trend keeps on growing, organizations and its respected leads are forced to embark on this policy as soon as possible. So with BYOD on the up rise, here are 5 tips for enterprises to ensure that whether their business and IT departments are ready.

#1. Sign off:

With BYOD policy growing, companies and business are happy to save their money by letting their employees buy and use their own devices within the organization premises. But companies must make sure that they find a secure and efficient way on how to provide their employees with critical corporate data, so that they are protected and won’t affect any other business operations. For that, firms must decide that whether they have to sign in new employees or entrust their own employees with sensitive stuffs like password protection, anti-virus installation, and any other security measures to protect company data.