5 Reasons On Cloud Computing Is Like Open Source

Bangalore: The hottest trend in IT industry- Cloud computing has already established its base at the pinnacle of tech industry. But even with its wide outspread, many of the IT companies are still doubting to shift gears which resembles to the initial responses made by the same industries when open source software was launched. But it’s pretty easy to predict that cloud computing is sure to be marked as a successful milestone as it serves similarities to open source environment, which now is regarded as ‘the outbreak’ in tech world. So here are 5 reasons on the fact that cloud computing is similar to open source.

#1. Cloud computing provides ease of access:

Initially, before the launch of open source, it was really hard to get access to software. No easy download options were available and even sales reps were required for accessing vendor specific software. But after the launch of open source platform, things simply changed. Accessing software’s became so easy that you can download it- at anytime, anywhere. So how does this blend with cloud computing? It’s proven that it may take weeks for organizations to collect all the resources for a particular project and with cloud computing, it’s simply a matter of minutes. Cloud computing is all about immediate availability and standard operating procedures, which is wrapped over the actuality- ‘ease of access’