5 Lakh Servers Use Amazon's Cloud

5 lkh

Bangalore: The cloud computing business continues to gain momentum in the market and in today’s date it’s the most vibrant technology market. There is an intense competition among all cloud service providers but Amazon’s cloud has been a favourite among users, atleast a report says that.  A recent research from Accenture analyst Huan Liu estimates that Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) runs on a whopping 450,000 servers.

Amazon Web Services is until now has emerged as, the largest cloud service provider by far, through all the verifications, surveys and reports to justify this. Amazon, like most of the big cloud providers, doesn’t disclose much about current or planned data centers neither does the company break out AWS revenue, but experts predict it could probably be a billion dollar Business Company.

Liu in one of his blog said that to arrive at the exact estimated numbers of servers he used a combination of publicly available data and DNS queries within EC2 to get the total number of server racks in use by the cloud service, and then multiplied that by the number of individual servers in each reports Jon Gold in pcworld.com

However, the researcher said, there are a couple of obvious warnings to his investigation. The total number of servers in each rack is an estimation on his part, and Amazon may well configure its systems differently than he imagines. What's more, any rack without an active instance running on it would be impossible to count, throwing off Liu's accuracy.

Considering the fact that Liu’s estimate is one of the best and significant estimates yet of the Amazon Cloud size there has been no shortage of media reaction to his post. However Amazon does not reveal much information on EC2 and the revenues hence such estimated and researched guess are taken seriously as people are left with no other option.