10 Commandments of Leading Government CIOs

Bangalore: Being aware of challenges and issues is important for any successful CIO’s management strategy and for the progressive growth of an enterprise. The same holds true even for the government organizations, today public sector CIOs and IT directors are facing increasing challenges and responsibilities in the era of new governance. To discuss these issues and explore new opportunities leading government CIOs and top decision makers gave their inputs at Information Week’s Government IT Leadership Forum in Washington Eric Lundquist of InfromationWeek.

Below listed are 10 fruitful lessons from leading government CIOs.

 1. Shared services

Shared services are the new trend in IT sector, with the budgets being cut down considerably public sector CIOs are concentrating on developing shared services for instance, using of single system per agency instead of 18. This tool will help government agencies reduce IT costs and find and eliminate waste and duplication in their IT services.  The “Federal IT Shared Services Strategy,” was released a day before the forum by Steven VanRoekel, the government’s top CIO. This service aims to “maximize the return on IT investments” by consolidating IT systems, services, and related contracts reports asmconline.org

According VanRoekel, this “Shared-First” strategy “promotes the use of existing and new strategic sourcing methods where agencies can combine their buying power for similar IT needs and get lower prices.”