Telecom Commission Sends Back 3G Spectrum Proposals To TRAI

NEW DELHI: Inter-ministerial panel Telecom Commission (TC) has decided to send back Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) recommendations on 3G spectrum pricing for reconsideration.

According to sources, TC on Wednesday discussed TRAI’s proposals on 2100 MHz band base price, used for 3G services, in its meeting and decided to send back the recommendations for a review.

The TRAI on December 31 had recommended a base price at 2,720 crore per megahertz.

An internal committee of the Department of Telecom (DoT) is believed to have suggested fixing base price of 3G spectrum at 3,899 crore per megahertz, about 43 per cent higher than the rate recommended by TRAI.

As per the practice in place, TRAI sends back its final comments in about 15 days which are again placed before the Telecom Commission for its final call.

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Source: PTI