It is Time to Put Up Kingfisher Airlines 'For Sale'

Bangalore: No Airlines has made so much of headlines as much as Kingfisher Airlines has made, every day a new update. But none of the updates have new twists other than making it crystal-clear that this airline will either go for a sale or will have to shut down. But the question is who would want to buy the crippled airline with such huge debt that even for several years down the line, the airline will not be able to repay its debt.
Kingfisher getting closed
Kingfisher Airlines is already facing the end of good times, but Vijay Mallya, Chairman of Kingfisher Airlines has no life saving sheath for the Airlines. With rumors making into the atmosphere that Sanjay Aggrawal, CEO of Kingfisher Airlines is quitting, it does not seem that the Chairman is sitting and working out things. He might be just looking out for a buyout.Well he does not have any choice as well, with about 19 banks turning their backs on the airline; a buyout is the best he can bet on.