Has the Gandhi-Ambani Family Power Peaked?

Bangalore: “In the annals of business and politics, there are few families that have exercised such dominance. There is widespread muttering against their power, yet their dominance seems inescapable. We live in their shadow even when we have no faith. Indian democracy revolves around the Gandhis more than it should, as Indian capitalism revolves around the Ambanis more than it should. The Gandhis have shaped our form of democracy, as the Ambanis have shaped the nature of our capitalism. But, in a subtle way, both also act as fetters on the maturation of democracy and capitalism,” says Pratap Bhanu Mehta, The Indian Express.

If we compare both the families we will witness several similarities. The families are beyond the temporary standards of democratic censure. It is difficult to publish any direct critcism towards both the families as it will lead to the censorship. They have also come across family disputes of various sorts but it rather strenghthens their conduit business. The families have constructed their legitimacy with the story about their past. As the Gandhi’s are container of the Indian national identity whereas the Ambani’s have embodied the new national aspiration. Both exercise a certain kind of populism.

They have become models for India as the political parties that come to power in India is compared to Congress and any other company that comes up is given the example of the Ambani Group. They have strange success stories. Even being criticised for scandals they still have the basis to their legitimacy. Their opponents can’t extricate them and their competitors show weakness. Both the families are the beings of the state as the Ambanis have broken down the old systems and they have managed to acquaint the state in their direction. Similarly, the Gandhi’s are generosity of the state aiding and establishing coalitions.