Cry, the Beloved Economy

Bangalore: In the midst of the controversies of the Prime Minister distancing himself from the guidelines of the Finance Ministry on General Anti-Avoidance rules, BJP pointed out fingers on the decissions taken by Pranab Mukherjee when he was at the position of Finance Minister, it indicated that Mukherjee didn’t listen to the Prime Minister or Manmohan Singh had no idea about the decisions.

At this BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi told DNA, “Now soon after assuming charge of Finance, the Prime Minister has started review of the decisions taken by Finance Minister. PMO has given such indications that there is a need for changes in the present policy. Not even 24 hours have passed that the Finance Minister left his chair, the chair is still hot, he (Singh) has started review and changes.”

Joshi further added, “We demand that the PM should come out quickly with a road-map or else we will be forced to think that the PM was not happy and was dissatisfied with the policies of the Finance Minister. That is why he was made a Presidential candidate... He was not listening to him and that is why this has been found a way to ease him out of the Cabinet. There are a lot of doubts and questions in the minds of the people.”