8 Biggest Companies by Market Capitalization

Bangalore: Keeping volatile economy apart, various U.S. companies have had a very good run in the past years, especially in terms of market capitalization. From the turn of 20th century to last year, U.S. firms have been ranked by Standard and Poor’s and Bloomberg based on the biggest market capitalization. This is a list of the selected few companies on the list -

1. 1927 – General Motors

Market Capitalization of $25.7 Billion in the Year 1927

General Motors, popularly called GM, is an American automobile manufacturer. It is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. It was established in September 16, 1908. It manufactures vehicles in over 31 countries. Its famous brands include – Cadillac, Chevrolet, Opel, Buick and many others. In the late 2000s, it went through a lot of financial problems due to recession. The U.S. government at that time decided to intervene and provided monetary aid. In 2009, it went through corporate restructuring. In the same year, it also went for an IPO, which is the 5th largest one in the world. In 2011, GM was the world's largest automobile manufacturer, by vehicle unit sales. Its financial progress has been in the green in the past year.