10 Things that will Revive India's Economy

Bangalore: After the Confederation of Indian Industry meet Adi Godrej the President of the CII committee said that they have come up with 10 point agenda on the revival of Indian economy which includes fast tracking the implementation of goods and services tax and simplifying the FDI regulations in aviation and other sectors. The CII worked with the state governments on the policy guidelines for the development of new green cities. They warned the Central government and asked them to introduce new measures in fiscal, monetary and administrative policies.

Adi Godrej said, “Industrial growth is particularly poor and corporate profits have been declining. Growth in investments is also moderating, while investor perception about India turned negative, owing to the sharp fall in the rupee. This is the time to show extraordinary leadership. This is the time for everyone, including the Opposition and states, to come together.” He told the reporters that it was possible to achieve the growth rate of nine percent if the country puts its acts together.