10 Industries that are Bouncing Back

Bangalore: U.S. economy has seen worst phase when they were hit by recession and many of the people became unemployed. Since that period of time U.S. has been trying hard to improve this condition by increasing employment for people. According to CNBC, almost 243,000 new private sector jobs were introduced which helped the unemployment rate to come down to 8.3 percent.

This rate is still high, though this is just an initiative to make a change for the future. It will still take some more time to recover from that recession. As many industries were hit harder than others so it would be little difficult for such industries to recuperate. So here is the list of the 10 industries that have bounced back.


This was one of the sectors that were hit hard by the recession. This might be an indicator to show that the economy is changing. Michael Fishbin, Leader of Ernst and Young’s global hospitality Services said, “The conventional wisdom suggests that key fundamentals should be on the wane, but that has not happened yet and, due to many factors, we don't believe it will occur in 2012.” He also added, “Hotel supply is not going to outpace demand any time soon, giving fundamentals such as room rates and overall occupancy a chance to further recover.”