Amazon is Working on iPhone Rival Smartphone

Bangalore: The online retail giant Amazon is working on Android based smartphone with low priced hardware and Amazon content and services. Amazon may start production later this year or early next year. Last year Amazon launched Kindle Fire tablet which gave great competition to leading 7 inch tablet manufacturer in the market. Kindle Fire was also a direct competitor for Apple iPad. Now the plan of big screen smartphone from Amazon is a sign of danger for Apple and leading smartphone makers like Samsung and HTC.

“Officials at some of Amazon's parts suppliers, who declined to be named, said the Seattle-based company is testing a smartphone and mass production of the new device may start late this year or early next year” Reports, the Wall Street Journal.

The report further says that Amazon is testing a smartphone with 4 and 5 inch display size. If the Apple will release its iPhone 5 from 3.5 inch to 4 inch display then Amazon will launch handset with 4 inch screen, which would not only compete with iPhone but also with the hyped Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X.

A Chinese company, Foxconn is working with Amazon for building this handset. Foxconn is the same company which helps Apple for manufacturing iPhone. Well, as of now very little information is available on this Amazon pending project, it is believed that this handset is meant to give direct competition for high-end smartphone segment.