6 Nokia Phones leaked! Lumia 1001-A Windows Phone 8 Device?

Bangalore: If the leaks and information on GSMArena is to be believed then we shall be seeing a launch of at least 6 new smartphones from Nokia in the coming months. The leak of the new smartphones was through Nokia’s own Remote Device Access (RDA) tool which is a platform for developers to test their new apps without the actual purchase of the device.

When the developers accessed Nokia’s RDA they had a little surprise waiting for them. There were 6 new phones from Nokia. These 6 handsets included Nokia 510, Nokia Belle 805, Nokia Lumia 910, Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Lumia 950 and Nokia Lumia 1001. So far apart from the names of the handsets nothing is confirmed. Though the speculations have already begun.

It is rumored that Nokia 510 might be a successor to the Nokia 500 with slightly improved specifications. Another huge speculation is that Nokia 1001 might just be Nokia’s first Windows Phone 8 phone.

All the Lumia phones;  Nokia Lumia 910, Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 950 will most probably run on Windows operating system. And the last of the 6 smartphones, Nokia Belle 805 will run on Symbian Belle operating system.

Lumia 1001- A windows Phone 8 Phone?

The surprise element from Nokia’s RDA service revelation is Nokia Lumia 1001. With its name it sounds like a natural progression to the other Lumia phones. So going by the past we could speculate that Nokia Lumia 1001 would be yet another collaboration between Nokia and Microsoft. And if the rumors that are doing the rounds are to be believed Lumia 1001 might as well be Nokia-Microsoft’s first Windows Phone 8 phone.

Another curious factor is the jump in the number set from 950 to 1001. The huge jump in the number value suggests that the phone will operate on a more advanced version of Windows Phone operating system.

According to the speculations, the Windows Phone 8 is expected to a lot similar to the Windows 8 operating system for tablets and desktops. Nothing is clear about when Nokia will launch their Lumia 1001 in the market, but we can keep our fingers crossed for a release in October. This can be said because Microsoft has already confirmed the final release of Windows 8 in October.