When it is OK to Skip Saving Money

Bangalore: All good lessons and habits begin early, and saving is a skill that everyone needs. It is not just about getting rich but most importantly getting prepared for the future. Life delivers unexpected events and situations that involve money and this you have to be always ready for.  And once you get into the savings habit, it's surprising how quickly your funds build up and how secure it makes you feel. But there are a set of people who feel that they do not have enough money to spend. How can I even think of saving? Even in such a scenario it is recommended you save at least a bit especially for future goals like retirement, college and emergency expenses. But there are some times in life when you might not want to save as much.

Here are three life stages where you might not want to save more money:

When You Are a College Student

If a student hails from a weak financial background, will not be able to save money and simultaneously be a part of his college fun and activities. But it is ok if you skip saving rather than skipping going out with friends as you are going to get several opportunities in the future to earn some money and make some extra bucks. So when you’re young, maybe it’s OK to splurge a little.