What Women Can Teach Us About Money

Bangalore: Women are true gems of nature. They make multi-tasking seem like a cake walk. Women also excel at money matters, contrary to popular belief. After all, women make way better investors than men, as proven by research. So, here are some priceless money lessons women can teach us, as given by David Tyrie of Merrill Lynch –

1. Gathering Correct Information

When it comes to information gathering, women and men are very diverse. Women tend to gather as much information as possible before making any money related purchase, especially when it comes to investing. Men, on the other hand, go with their guts and instincts. This is so because men are over-confident about their investments. It might take a bit of time to get info; women stick to this as they want their investments to be safe. If women can’t find info on their own, they seek help for it, which is very rare in men.