Tips to Rein in a Spend Thrift Wife/Husband

Bangalore: Although Love comes before money alphabetically, it does not work the same in all situations for a couple. Your love for him/her is priceless but at the same time you cannot ignore paying the price for his/her bad spending habits. If she is a galloping horse who is on a spending spree and you are holding on to those reins to keep her in track then you are a living proof of an overspending spouse. If he is a party animal and you are the sober one trying to pay off his fancy desires then you have to admit that your spouse needs some taming about money. Every couple goes through a situation like this but does that mean you need a lawyer to fix it? Does this mean that you do not have financial compatibility with your spouse? All that your spouse needs is a transformation to attain money harmony. Eye opener facts have to be laid out to make them understand where they are heading towards, a reality check. Here are a few tips to tame your spouse from wild spending: 1. Financial union has to be attained:
financial union
This does not mean that you have to have replicated minds when it comes to financial values. All relationships have conflicts over finances no matter how perfect they are at it. To attain a financial union you need find solutions for your problems together. What happens when both people in a marriage are spend thrifts? There is still financial union here but in spending which is negative attitude and will put your finances into a tailspin. Either one of you has to wake up and say "it's time we did something about it". Habits take a makeover. Seeing you transform, your better half too makes an effort to change. In this way you walk your way from out of control spenders to debt-free and to an actually savings couple.