How to Handle Unexpected Expenses

Bangalore: It was from the past four months my laptop was giving me some problem. It gave me an error code every time I log in. The service center people demanded a huge amount for the repairs which I could not afford at that time. After two months when I saved enough money for the repairs because I knew my laptop is on its last legs, I see my cell phone gets damaged. And that is something I can't do without. I didn't plan for this unexpected expense. Similarly many of us have made plans and appropriate financial planning which we realize is just not ideal. Because everything we have designed is to foresee something that approaches without us realizing it. One fact that we let go unnoticed is, 'unexpected situations can't be avoided.' It is quite frustrating when you see the budget and spending plans keep altering due to some unexpected expense. You don't want to make wrong financial decisions when under stress. The following five tips will help you to handle financial expenses in unexpected situations. Create a Security Net
How to Handle Unexpected Expenses
The best way to deal with this to anticipate events. There are chances that you could even lose your job or meet with some terrible accident. Even at such difficult times, it is necessary to have flow of income. The best method to tackle this is to have three to nine month's worth of living expenses saved up in your bank account. If unemployment strikes then you may need to consider lowering your standard of living so you don't get in debt.