How to Make Money From Your Blogs

Bangalore: Blogging is the best thing you can do in your spare time. It is one of the easiest ways to put forth your opinion on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs to bring in a little extra cash. Blogging for bucks is perhaps a new concept and is challenging enough. It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog; you should be driven by an ambition to succeed.  If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it. You should be clear on whether you plan to generate income from advertisings, commissions, product sales, donations, or a combination of these things. However you decide to generate income put your basic strategy down in writing.  

Here are five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker.

Sell Advertising

This is the most common means of leveraging a blog to generate income. Direct ad sales help in growing the percentage of your income. If you want to make money selling ads on your blog you basically need to have a blog topic that has an established product ecosystem around it.  And to sell advertising you obviously need a website with some traffic. If the visitors are on your site with a strong buying intent then even if the number is small they will help you convert well for advertisers.  And as long as advertisers are getting a good return for their outlay they will continue to advertise.