How To Not Get Duped By Discounts

Bangalore: Your nearby mall/store has an amazing festival discount offer on your dream gadgets; you rush to the store and buy all that you want. Sometime later you realize your neighbor too paid the same price but got a better product, and you got fooled! There are just two ways to buy any item/gadget, be it a refrigerator, a phone, camera or anything approach the main dealer or outlet licensed to sell the products, or a third party distributor dealing with selling the products. Some of us take the latter option, thinking its the easier way,believe the fancy posters put on the mall and end up getting cheated. Here are a few suggestions to save yourself from getting duped- * Get all necessary information required Take time out to do a complete research in what you intend to buy. Look into every detail from the warranty, service, price before you conclude on buying anything. Go visit the store by yourself and obtain more than required information. Considering you will be investing a huge amount, you should know all the details. * Sales guys always present every unit/item as the best unit in terms of quality and features. Check thoroughly with your plan and personally take a look into all the items you are going to finalize. Do not forget if your unit is not a good one you will never get a best resale value in future. Items like furniture, fridge etc need a close look into quality of the raw materials used etc. * Ask for a copy of your submitted application form and look out for the stamp or other authorized signature. Save the copy of application for your future reference. If you feel the information in the application does not quite match the commitment of sales guy call your banker you approached, then stop the payment. Last but not least before confirming, remember to check the dealer's or channel partner's background. Do not believe everything that you read on the internet; consider your friends' opinions on the product and store only then buy it.