Find out why you shouldn't use coupons

Find out why you shouldn't use coupons
Bangalore: With everyone's budget getting tighter and tighter these days, coupons are having a moment. Consumers are using more coupons than they did before. More often they entice you to buy things you don't want or need. People scan through newspaper to collect coupons they could use. The consumers don't hesitate to switch their brand and buy another product because they can avail it using a coupon. We think coupons are just ordinary discounts, nothing more. But let's take a closer look. Coupons help marketers grow market share, increase sales volume, sell faster, cultivate loyal customers, and drown out competitor advertising. I have read several reviews of people who availed coupons and were not so happy with the idea of availing one. Either their coupons didn't scan, or they shared an unpleasant exchange with a cashier (or even manager), or they were chided by other shoppers. Check why the savings generated from coupons aren't always worth the costs of collecting and using them: Are Coupons Always the Best Deal Just because a coupon is published for a product, it doesn't mean it's the best deal. Don't just cut the coupons and use them right away. Many of the Coupons Will be For Things You Don't Want to Buy Coupons don't cater to your specific shopping habits. So you generally are offered things that interest you or you never use. Even if you come across a good deal and buy it for the heck it, does it really benefit you? From a financial perspective, buying more than you need or want just doesn't make sense. You Spend Recklessly and Buy Things you Never Use Coupons don't always market the healthiest foods. This might mean that they'll lead you to buy things that aren't very good for you. So you finally use coupons for junk items. Do you really want an incentive to bring more junk food into the house that will add to your calories? Even if you restrict yourself to the monthly grocery budget no matter what, coupons will only get you more food or different food. You don't have a chance to save money in such scenarios. Repetition in Coupons Offered If you have a collection of coupons scan through each one of them, you will find most of the coupons are same. And if you like experimenting with new products, and bored of the same old product you have been using for a long time, these coupons will not help. You Get Addicted to Coupons If you get used to buying each and everything using a coupon, you get addicted to it. And shopping gets difficult if you don't have a coupon in hand to use. You might probably find yourself often at the grocery store in order to purchase things only when you have coupons for them.