Fees You Shouldn't be Paying

Bangalore: Are you losing track of your finances? Especially when it is just a couple of bucks here and there, you effortlessly tend to overlook the fees that you have to pay from time to time. You would have realized this last time you traveled. Wasn't it frustrating having an extra fee tacked onto your bill? But when you add up all the fees, you will realize how much money you have lost in fees you shouldn't be paying. You can get your financial life back on track only when you stop paying for fees you shouldn't be paying. Here is a list of fees you can escape. Balance-transfer fee
Fees You Shouldn't be Paying
Currently most of the credit card companies charge up to 5 percent for balance transfers. Therefore, the next time you transfer a balance from one card to another with a low or 0 percent initial rate, calculate the amount of interest payments. Because you might find that you'll get a better deal by negotiating down your rate on your current card.