Diesel Cars: Low of Fuel Cost, But High on Insurance Premium

Bangalore: With a hike in the petrol prices everyone wants to change into a diesel, CNG or LPG cars as they think that's the sensible way to save money on fuel. Some may also consider installing a CNG or LPG lit in the petrol car. But the experts have said that even if you change the car, one needs to shell out money for the maintenance and also on car premium.

The India Motor Tariff 2002 has an additional premium of 60 for each vehicle to be charged towards the accountability cover on account of CNG or LPG system. The actual difference may vary depending upon the built of the car and the age of the car. So there is no particular difference and the premium will differ on the basis of the model and the insurer.

Arun Balakrishnan, CEO, Berkshire Insurance, told Economic Times, “As a broad rule of thumb, typically, there is a difference of approximately 10-20 percent in the own-damage premium between a petrol car and one running on other fuel types, including diesel, LPG and CNG.”

The few points that one should keep in mind before changing their petrol car to a diesel car or before fitting a LPG or CNG kit on the vehicle.