7 Type of People who Fail in Finance

Bangalore: It is difficult to find professionals that would be suitable in the financial environment. Finance department in a company requires personalities who can work in a team, realize team objectives and help in the horizontal execution. At the time of the interview the human resources find professionals who have spark, personality and commendable achievements but later many of these professionals project unapproved behavioral patterns. Here is the list of 7 such personality types that can harm the finance’s unique corporate culture.

The Pontificator

Pontificators are the ones who loiter around during the unfortunate times; they are mostly focused on themselves and don’t bother much about the organization and team goals. They sometimes de-moralize or de-motivate their colleagues by passing bad remarks and they butter their boss etc. When they come across someone with higher standard or in a well regarded position within the organization, they start worshipping that individual.

Pontificators generally waste their own and other people’s time by irritating them. The team in which such an individual works in suffers the most, due to the aggravated remarks the teammates feel de-motivated. So the organization can take the inputs from the colleagues and throw out such people. But sometimes these pontificators can prove to be good performers and so the management is reluctant in letting them go.