7 Outstanding Female Investors

Bangalore: Women are treated as outsiders and are inspected when it comes to positions of power in Finance. Sometimes they are underestimated and at other times they are expected to work harder to prove that they are as good as their male counterparts. In a survey by Catalyst Research it was found that in the United States, one of the most developed country, the women comprise 55.4 percent of the labor force in finance, out of which only 16.6 percent are Executive officers, 18 percent are in the Board of Directors and 2.9 percent are CEO’s. Here is the list of 7 outstanding female investors who can become the role model for every woman who wish to achieve great success by taking risks etc.

Geraldine Weiss

Geraldine Weiss was one of the first women to prove that women could be successful investors. He studies business and finance in college but apart from that she learned about investing by reading books and listening to her parents’ conversations. The investments firms were not willing to hire her in any better position other than secretary. She says, “It was a man's world, and women need not apply.” After getting rejected many times she started her own investment newsletter at the age of 40. She says once she received a response to her advertisements saying, “I can't imagine myself ever taking investment advice from a woman. Unless you take your advice from a man.”

Later on she started signing her newsletter as G. Weiss, to avoid any further gender discrimination, until mid 1970s she revealed her true identity after achieving a successful track record. Her value based strategy was able to outperform the other newsletters even in the poor markets. For 37 years she worked for her own published newsletter Investment Quality Trends, which still exists and is still being followed.