5 Ways to Cap Movie Ticket Prices

Bangalore: Weekend means hanging around with friends, shopping and movie. Industry Analyst for IbisWorld, Agata Kaczanowska says, “Theatres are looking to have wider profit margins per customer. A better experience, even at a higher price point, may be attractive to moviegoers.” But college chunks need to worry a lot before opting for a movie as the recent trend is 3D screenings in a multiplex which made the ticket prices quite costlier for such kiddos. But experts say there are ways to bargain at the box office.

1. Monitor the Market: You can always keep an eye on the market that is when the movie is going to release, when the preview will be shown etc. as the online booking for some movies starts very early and they are very cheaper compared to the ticket prices after the movie release. The reason is that in advance the prices are kept low but after the release the prices of remaining seats rises but the number of shows increases. Agata says “If theatres see a demand for seats, they could definitely increase the number of screens.”