12 Things You Keep at Home, Not in the Bank

Bangalore: Who says you need to keep all important documents and items in banks? There are plenty of things which can be kept safely at home in a safe. Gone are the days when we had to spend sleepless nights worrying over our valuables. State-of-the-art technology has made sure that we have a peaceful night’s sleep by making some very safe safes. Ray Martin, of Yahoo Finance, has given a list of things we ought to keep at home than at the bank - 

1) Important Policies and Agent Contact Information

Important policy papers, like that of – insurance, property, taxes, etc. and contact information of agents and brokers can be easily kept at home. These papers might not seem very important but are so. Having the originals and a set of photocopies at home in a safe are mandatory. These details are very important and should not be kept locked up in a bank, miles away. When emergency dictates, having these documents at hand comes very handy.

2) Investment and Bank Account Papers

Another important set of papers which need to be kept in a safe at home are papers related to banks and investments. As these papers relate to money matters, they must be kept safely at home. Keeping all papers related to investments and banking neatly filed is advisable. Always keep extra copies of these. Make sure you do not mix the originals with the copies. In case of emergency fund requirements, these papers will surely help reduce your search time.