Should You Insure Your Collectibles?

Bangalore:  You've spent years and a lot of money on your collection. Collecting vintage or antique items is a growing hobby. But give this a thought. What happens if you lose your valuable collection in a natural disaster? Serious collectors know that failing to insure a collection can be costly. Though not every collectible is worth insuring. The rule of thumb is it must have a secondary market. One way of insuring collectibles is through a personal property floater. You might be flooded with innumerable questions like; at what point do I need to add my collectibles to my homeowner’s policy? Do I need a separate policy? What if I don't store them at home?

Here are the steps to make sure your collectibles are fully covered

Review Your Current Homeowner Policy

If you have home owners insurance, then it is most likely that your collection will be partially covered, and this could be combined with other personal property such as furniture, lamps. Some policies deny the coverage of few items all together. If you think that your collection might be worth more than you are covered for, you will have to obtain separate insurance. Talk to your homeowner’s insurance agent to find out if a special rider or separate insurance policy can be written for your collection. Or you can opt for an insurance company that specifically deals with only collectibles.