Tips to Invest In Eco-Friendly Homes

Tips to Invest In Eco-Friendly Homes

By siliconindia   |   Friday, January 20, 2012   |    1 Comments

Bangalore: Green homes are the new trend that people are accepting widely as they prove to be eco-friendly. They offer healthy lifestyle and developers are also changing their traditional projects into green building projects to attract more buyers as they are becoming more concerned about environment.

Green house building technique: Eco-friendly building techniques are different than the traditional building methods as it includes materials that have less energy, less recourses to construct, implementing alternative energy and more energy efficient home designs.

Follow three R’s: the word ‘Reduce, Re-use and Recycle’ is the latest mantra to follow in green houses. It is always better to repair, re-use and recycle things around your home than to replace. For this, you have to take care of everything what you have around your home. Ensure that you do regular servicing of expensive items which you can use for longer time and also saves your money to buy new things.

Green house design: eco-friendly houses are designed for energy efficiency. Though in today’s date, high-energy appliances are needed in our day to day life but the eco-friendly houses are designed in such a way that can control high amount of electricity usage. These designs include: south facing window that allows good ventilation, utilizing solar energy and also sunlight or the daylight that reduces maximum electricity usage during daytime.

Alternative Energy: alternative energy sources are common in most houses now. Try to use renewable energy as alternative energy sources at your homes.  Some of the systems are like geothermal and solar hot water, photovoltaic and wind power systems which produce electricity directly.

Eco-friendly cleaners: Ensure that you use eco-friendly cleaners while cleaning your house. Using commercial detergent is not good for health always as it contain chemicals which are unsafe when inhaled while cleaning. But if you use any commercial products for cleaning than follow the disposal carefully to avoid future problems.