7 Houses You Won't Believe People Actually Live In

7 Houses You Won't Believe People Actually Live In

By siliconindia   |   Friday, May 25, 2012   |    1 Comments

Bangalore: There are many houses around the globe with splendid architecture that are sure to impress you in a big way. Although traditional architecture of historical buildings has undoubtedly been creating an everlasting impact on generations but the marvel of contemporary architecture is no less which speaks about the imagination of people that is just not limited to innovations in science and technology.

Below is the list of some houses, which is like see it to believe it.

1) Just Room Enough:

This cute little house ‘Just Room Enough’ is situated on the St. Lawrence River, between Canada and America. This house is built on an island exactly the same size of the house. The house ‘Just Room Enough’ was purchased by the Sizeland family back in the year 1950s. The family brought this piece of land hoping to stay away from the turmoil of everyday day life. Surprisingly, the island became a tourist attraction due to the uniqueness of the house, reports Eric Yosomono, Mike Cooney in Cracked.com.