Tips to Create Illusion of Space in Your Small House

Tips to Create Illusion of Space in Your Small House

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, July 5, 2012   |    2 Comments

Bangalore: Does a small house limit your options of decorating it? Yes, most of us have a feeling that small house has limited space and so it can't be decorated well. But the truth is, even you have limited space, there are many tricks to create illusion of space and it looks pretty too.

Using right kind of interior decoration can give you the feeling of more space. The main criteria is the right usage of furniture, lighting and sometimes colour. Below are some tips to make your small room look spacious and beautiful, reports Simi Kuriakose, Times of India.

1) Right kind of lighting:

Proper lighting in rooms acts as a biggest factor to create illusion of space. If you are living in a small house, it is better to avoid ceiling lights. These ceiling lights are likely to reduce the height of the rooms. Compared to this, it is advisable to use lamps which can eliminate shadows. Also, natural lighting is an ideal option for small house. Keep the windows open during day time, as it creates illusion of space in your room. Ensure that you keep different lamp sizes in your room as this will add a feeling of spacious room.